Monday, February 9, 2015

Walking On Faith

My life completely has changed, and you know what? THANK GOD

 I have cancer, I can't change that on my own. I would LOVE to, but alas I can't. SO I stepped out. I did what I have the hardest time doing, I gave EVERYTHING over to God and let it be known I am weak and broken, I can not do this on my own. I am SO thankful I did that. It's been a very humbling time for me. I tend to be someone that likes to control and make all the plans and see them through myself. For this I would have to trust and know that God's promises are true. I am so thankful for this opportunity because he definitely hasn't failed me.

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he will abide with you for ever." John 14:13-16

Telling friends and family that I had cancer has to be one time in my life that I truly saw the impact that God has made in giving me the strength he has. I was so humbled as friends cried, for me. I can not explain how that felt to hear the sadness and fear as they asked more questions and listened to my response. I am so thankful that I am able to walk out and say that God truly has this, that I WILL be healed and this will not be my end. Not one person I told doubted my resolve and they have supported, loved me, and PRAYED for me. To have a life that has surrounded me with blessings like this has made being strong so much easier.

Thanksgiving was a time to go see family and keep doing my essential oils to help support the journey I was about to take. I was able to enjoy time before heading into the whole treatment phase of things. I loved being able to see everyone and let them know that the biggest need I had was prayers and support as I walked out on my faith. Having those prayers and love with the support and strength from all of them really got me set to come back and get through the start of treatment...

Dec. 5th brought about my surgery and if you don't think that God had a plan and his hand in things... My surgery went better than planned even!! I had an incredible team that was able to get 99% (ALL VISIBLE cancer, the 1% accounts for any margins left) of the cancer!! I got that news right around my birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me. While the surgery was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced I was able to make it out of the hospital days before they thought I would and on very little pain meds, which I ditched for Tylenol and oils once I got home. I was incredibly blessed by my mother in law and her sister who came for 2 weeks to help with my kiddos while my husband sat daily by my side at the hospital. Then when I came home they allowed me a good week to just heal and get my strength back. Again, I was humbled by how wonderfully things worked out. I was able to do what I needed to and not overdo things yet heal MUCH quicker than in the hospital. Having my family there with me instead of hospital staff was much better! Not that the hospital staff wasn't great, we had a lot of laughs, razzing and made some friends in the short time I was in there. Life sucks sometimes, it's what you do with it and those who know me will tell you something is horribly wrong if I don't find a way to laugh or have a bit of fun. Attitude is HUGE, if you can find ways to stay positive and drive yourself towards ways to keep your attitude positive, you CAN overcome just about anything. No matter if my story were to end with my death I never wanted to look back and see wasted time not enjoying all the blessings I have been given.

After surgery we went out to be with family again for Christmas and that's when I really hit the ground running with planning and getting ready to tackle and win this "battle" with cancer. It was this point that I made the decision that I would work hard to see what I could do to take all that God had given me with my strength, promises, oils, incredible medical team and knowledge to help others. I figure I am in this mess, might as well take it and turn it into a positive, right? So I started on my way to hatching some plans to make this process easier, less overwhelming and help people that decided that natural AND modern medicine were the way they were going to choose to go. I knew that the two could work together but I wanted a good plan to pass forward to let others use and build upon to help them be as empowered and blessed as I was.

Disclaimer: Please understand that this information is for educational purposes only. I am a mom, I am not a doctor, I enjoy passing on the knowledge I have learned in doing these types of projects and through my research. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and they are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. Don’t take my word for it…you should always engage conventional wisdom and consult with your medical professional to determine potential drug interactions and safety of use. Always when using essential oils for a medical condition or if on prescribed or over the counter drugs, seek advice from a medical professional (DR./PA/NP/Naturopath/pharmacist) on whether the oils will cause potential adverse reactions. 

These practices are what work for me and my family, if you chose to take and use them I encourage you take my research and do some of your own prior to using the tips I give. While I do a lot of research when putting these posts out it generally fits into what I would do with and for my family. If you have specific issues, allergies or conditions these practices may not work or may be detrimental to what you are intending to do for yourself. Again, I encourage wisdom and discussions with your healthcare provider to determine safe use of all posts that I provide that can be used for health reasons

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